
This must be my most used costume, it is not only a favorite with me but the public love it too, Thanks MPM


Stargate SG-1

I have updated my SG stuff to top notch stuff now, looking alot better now :)



Who you gonna call!! Another crowd favorite, and despite being made early 80's the kids of today know who the Ghostbuters are, nice to see parents are educating them in decent movies :).


Blues Brothers

Well I have been a strong fan in the Blues Brothers for a loooong time, I have a special fondness for them as they introduced me to my now stable diet of Blues, Rythem & Blues, Soul, Funk and many other styles that hing on them. Plus the movie ROCKED :).



The Blues Brothers


Capt Chaos (HIM)

Well HIM is HIM, Nuff said!!!,,,,,, Oh and whatever you do don't click on him!!!!!!